Community can be challenging in almost all circumstances. There is always room for miscommunication; hurt feelings; social anxieties; differences of opinion. I think that is why I am always in awe of the beautiful community that is emerging in our fully virtual online school. It goes against the commonly believed idea that online equals less community, or at least less valuable or true community.
This past week I experienced a deep and personal loss with the death of a loved one. I have struggled with carrying the grief while trying to celebrate a fun and joyful season. One day after class I got this email from a student:”During class i noticed that you looked really tired, i hope everything is going good outside of school. I hope you take some time to relax. I wish that whatever you are going though passes quickly. I send you a virtual hug.“
Wow! Compassion, observance, awareness, thoughtfulness, kindness. This is our community.
Later that day, word had spread of the loss in my family. I received another email from a student:”I was told that your sister-in-law just recently passed away and I was wondering how you are doing?And that I want to tell you that I am so sorry for your loss.”
Again I was blown away.
At Bridgemont we have worked hard to structure our days so that we have the maximum amount of time to have quality conversations that foster community. We have been able to get to know each other really well through this design and this week I am seeing the fruit of that work. Ultimately, there is an air of kindness in our community. Everyone wants the best for each other and it’s such a beautiful thing to be a part of.