In the midst of the students learning about World War II and the holocaust, we posed this question to the students. Their responses were very real and showcased their shift towards adulthood. The students agreed that citizens of Earth would never live together in total harmony. They said that there would always be someone who felt they were superior and would act on that belief in a negative way. However, they also unanimously believed that there are moments of harmony, whether it be in a relationship, in a family, or a community. They said these are the moments that keep us going and that give us hope.
When we followed up and asked our personal responsibility with establishing this harmony, they responded with a few different ideas. One student said that our responsibility was to focus on making connections with others. Another student said it is very important to stay positive during situations. And yet another mentioned that it is important to keep learning about the past so that we do not make the same mistakes again.
And that, my friends, is why we choose to work with adolescents. Honesty. Clarity. Conviction.